Siren City Pipe Band is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that fields competitive bagpipe-and-drum bands at the highest levels achievable. To ensure the quality of the music, all-volunteer members invest in the team’s future with a formal, youth music education and development program, in which we invite all community members of Norfolk and Hampton Roads to participate. The education program is held at an easily-accessible, downtown Norfolk location, and all participants are properly equipped and provided instruction regardless of their financial situation. No young community member is turned away due to their inability to afford the program and instrument costs.
We, however, cannot reach this mission alone, and we ask for your help to continue our efforts!
How can my contribute as an organization/business?
Become a sponsor at any level! We are an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that accepts donations from individuals and organizations. We take the time to discuss a contract to ensure both parties agree on the terms and benefits of the sponsorship. We also provide a W9-form for your records of the tax-deductable donation/sponsorship!
What levels are available for sponsorship?
We provide multiple tiers of sponsorship for your business/organization to contribute! If the following tiers do not fit your business’s ideal contribution amounts/ben, Please contact us about customized sponsorship benefits so we can fit your giving-budget and promote your business.
Who do I contact to request a sponsorship or donate?
Please email us at sirencitypipeband@gmail.com to begin conversation about becoming a 2023 sponsor/donor. Our team is eager to meet the requests of your organization while you support programs that benefit the local community!